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Thanks for subscribing! We're so excited to have you join us in doing what we love – providing fun, practical, and simple nutrition solutions for busy parents & the families they support!


We hope the resources you've downloaded help make mealtimes a little easier and a lot more enjoyable for you and your family. If you're looking for more ways to support your child's eating journey, we offer additional services that might be just what you need. From personalized feeding therapy sessions, online group programs, to tailored meal planning, we're here to guide you every step of the way.


Feel free to check out our other services if you're looking for extra support with picky eaters or expanding your family's food choices. Let’s work together to make mealtimes stress-free and full of happy, healthy moments!


Thank you for being part of our community!

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The Unfussy Eater Program 

Do you dread mealtimes with your picky eater? Are you stuck not knowing WHAT to feed your child, but also HOW to feed them?


End mealtime stress and become confident about helping your child become an Unfussy Eater!


Join my 6-week Online Program that will bring peace to the dinner table and provide you with the tools, strategies and knowledge to feel confident in feeding your child.





Feeding Therapy

 If mealtimes are an ongoing cause of stress, your child may have a feeding problem. Feeding therapy sessions may be beneficial if your child:

  • Is a fussy/selective eater

  • Limited or restricted food intake (less than 20 foods)

  • Eats different meals to the family

  • Difficulty with different food textures

  • Gagging or vomiting when eating 

  • Frequent mealtime battles & meltdowns

  • Aversion to whole food groups 

  • Is underweight or overweight



Workshops can be delivered on predefined topics, or tailored to meet specific client requests and include:

  • Professional development education for staff.

  • Information sessions for parents, sporting groups, corporate groups, early learning centres, schools, and other community groups.

  • Fitness studios & health centres, helping clients to change eating patterns and behaviours for weight loss, muscle gain, or increased energy. 

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